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Software and Support
Pixy stores several parameters such as the color signatures, signature ranges, servo limits, data out port, UART baudrate, etc. in flash memory so they can be recalled and used for subsequent power cycles. You can save these parameters on your computer and reload them onto your Pixy later, or even copy them onto another Pixy.
You first need to save the parameters into a local file onto your computer. Select File➜Save Pixy parameters… PixyMon will bring up a file selection dialog. Choose a suitable filename and press OK. The parameters will then be transferred from your Pixy and saved in the file you chose.
To load previously saved parameters onto your Pixy, select File➜Load Pixy parameters… PixyMon will bring up a file selection dialog. You can then choose the file you previously saved and press OK. PixyMon will then load the parameters contained in the file onto your Pixy.