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h1. CMUcam5 Pixy

!{width: 30%}http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i241/cmucam/inhand_zpsb2d6b768.jpg!

Note, if you are using Pixy for LEGO Mindstorms, the “Pixy LEGO Wiki”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/LEGO_Wiki is tailored to your needs.

h3. Quick Start * Start here if you just received your Pixy

h3. FAQ * “Where can I buy Pixy?”:http://charmedlabs.com/default/?page_id=530 * How do I teach Pixy an object? * “How can I tweak / improve Pixy's object recognition?”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/SomeTipsonGeneratingColorSignatures2 * What is the maximum distance that Pixy can detect objects * Can I replace the lens on Pixy * Does Pixy track/sense laser light? * Does Pixy track/sense IR light? * Can Pixy do face tracking, face detection, or facial recognition * Can I use my regular Pixy with LEGO Mindstorms * Can I use my LEGO Pixy with Arduino * I don't see my controller supported. What do I do * Where's the source code * What licensing does Pixy's software/firmware/hardware have? * Is there a case or enclosure for Pixy * “Where can I find the latest PixyMon, firmware, Arduino libraries, LEGO modules, libpixyusb, etc?”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Latestrelease * “What kind of projects can I use Pixy for?”:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaVaA4k86r6quw8AmWDTz1h4wJ7S_b7qL h3. Troubleshooting Guide * I get the message "No Pixy devices have been detected" in PixyMon * I don't see any video when I run PixyMon * Pixy is detecting the wrong objects * Pixy isn't detecting the objects I taught it * My Arduino isn't receiving data from Pixy * PixyMon is crashing! * tilt is acting sort of crazy * The image in PixyMon is out of focus * I still need help! h3. How to connect Pixy to… * “Arduino”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/HookingupPixytoaMicrocontroller(likeanArduino) * “Raspberry Pi”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/HookingupPixytoaRaspberryPi * “BeagleBone Black”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/HookingupPixytoaBeagleboneBlack * “Lego Mindstorms”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/HookingupPixytoLEGOMindstorms * .NET Gadgeteer * RoboRIO * “Other devices - porting guide &#40;I2C, SPI, UART, etc)”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/PortingGuide * Mount Pixy to your robot * “Mount Pixy to your Lego creation”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/MountingPixywithLEGO * Power * Port Pinouts

h3. Tracking Objects * Teach Pixy an object * “Improve Pixy's object recognition capabilities”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/SomeTipsonGeneratingColorSignatures2 * Using Color Codes * What is the maximum distance that Pixy can detect objects

h3. Pan/tilt Mechanism * Assembling the Pan/tilt Mechanism * Running the Pan/tilt Demo

h3. Installing PixyMon for… * Mac * Windows Vista, 7, or 8 * Windows XP * Linux

h3. Software & Firmware * PixyMon Reference * Arduino API Reference * Serial Protocol Reference * “libpixyusb API”:http://charmedlabs.github.io/pixy/pixy_8h.html * “Source code - Git repository”:https://github.com/charmedlabs/pixy * Uploading New Firmware * Building libpixyusb on Linux * Building libpixyusb as a Python module on Linux * Building PixyMon * Building Pixy Firmware * “Lego software blocks”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/LEGOsoftwaremodules * “Lego Chase Demo Tutorial”:/projects/cmucam5/wiki/LEGOChaseDemo

start.1511378096.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/22 19:14 by jfrench