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wiki:v1:install_pixymon_on_windows_vista_7_8 [2018/07/20 17:58]
jfrench [Installing PixyMon on Windows Vista, 7, 8, or 10]
wiki:v1:install_pixymon_on_windows_vista_7_8 [2018/07/20 17:58] (current)
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 Download the latest PixyMon version [[https://​pixycam.com/​downloads-pixy1/​|here]]. and run the installer. Don't plug in your Pixy into your computer yet though. Download the latest PixyMon version [[https://​pixycam.com/​downloads-pixy1/​|here]]. and run the installer. Don't plug in your Pixy into your computer yet though.
-When installing PixyMon on a Windows Vista, 7, or 8 machine, installation will proceed as expected, until you get to the driver pre-installation. The message "​Pre-installing device drivers. Please be patient!"​ will be displayed, and after a few moments, you'll see a dialog that looks like this:+When installing PixyMon on a Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 machine, installation will proceed as expected, until you get to the driver pre-installation. The message "​Pre-installing device drivers. Please be patient!"​ will be displayed, and after a few moments, you'll see a dialog that looks like this:
 {{wiki:​img:​80af2da8f93342a26bb34ac4529b2d1fa51db58e.jpg}} {{wiki:​img:​80af2da8f93342a26bb34ac4529b2d1fa51db58e.jpg}}
wiki/v1/install_pixymon_on_windows_vista_7_8.1532109519.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/07/20 17:58 by jfrench